Profile Conversion
Here you can find out how to convert your profiles!
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Here you can find out how to convert your profiles!
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Import your bot profiles simply by dragging the files into Tycho, (If you don’t see that they have already loaded on the sidebar as a ‘Bot’)
Select your desired profiles in the table. After selecting a profile you can SHIFT+click to select multiple profiles at once. CTRL+click select multiple profiles in no particular order. Also, the search bar and arrows next to Profile Name, Address, and CC last four can be used to sort through profiles.
Press the export button and select the location where you wish to save your profiles. They will appear in a folder named ‘Tycho converted profiles’.
Then you can drag your profiles to any installed set, the profiles will appear upon the opening of your bot (If you left your bot open they will appear upon restart). If your bot is not loaded select your export formats in the top-right drop-down menu you can select as many formats as you like.